Audit your energy leaks
Every single day whether you realize it or not you are doing things that are creating energy leaks for yourself. Energy leaks happen any time you create an energetic deficit or drain your energy.
Learn more about these energy leaks & how to audit yourself so you can begin to seal them up!

Clair Senses & Intuition
Clair senses are ways of receiving intuition or messages from your higher selves guides & spirit. Intuition is something we all have whether you realize it or not AKA everyone has clairs senses. It's just a matter of how much we listen to them & are aware of them.

3 Ingredients To Connect To Your Higher Self
People ask me all of the time in their Akashic Record sessions “how can I be more connected” or “how can I strengthen my connection to my higher self” & the answer (almost) always comes down to these three key things…

How To Work With The Ego
The ego is not bad. I repeat the ego is not bad…
This has been showing up a lot in conversations lately & I thought it was time to give a little insight. It might sound weird to hear the ego isn't bad. When growing up we hear phrases like “she has a big ego” & are taught that ego is related to selfishness, arrogance, vanity, etc but that is far from the truth.

5 Crystals To Protect Your Energy
With so many individuals going through a spiritual awakening and the energy coming out of 2020, it is important to protect ourselves from the energies that make us feel like our worst selves which is why I made a cheat sheet on my five favorite protection stones!

My Zodiac Sign Doesn't Feel Accurate
My horoscope is never right. All of the descriptions for my sign are inaccurate. I don’t believe in astrology because my sign doesn’t sound like me at all.
There is a reason you don’t feel like your astrology sign is accurate. To start, your sun sign (the sign you most likely know yourself by based on the time of the year you were born) is only one part of your astrology sign which means there are a TON of different factors that can contribute to that not feeling right.

My Entrepreneurial Journey
Sharing my journey with you and giving tips to fellow woman who want to start a business!

How To Use Affirmations To Boost Your Business
Before we get started, let’s go over what an affirmation is…
Affirmations are positive statements you say, write, think or listen to retrain your thoughts and make the statements come true. Think law of attraction - your thoughts become your reality. By using affirmations, we attract the statements to us and find a way to make them come true and speak them into existence rather than focusing on all of the ways something can go wrong, what we aren’t doing right or what we don’t have and attracting more of the negativity into your life and your business.

How To Use Crystals 101
On my journey, I started taking an interest in crystals and instantly saw how positively they impacted my life. In the past few years, my crystal collection has grown more than I am willing to say but it has been worth it. I've been learning a ton, use them on a daily basis, and am loving how much they have been helping me. For those interested in the benefits of crystals or why anyone would bother using them, here is a crash course…