My Zodiac Sign Doesn't Feel Accurate

My horoscope is never right. All of the descriptions for my sign are inaccurate. I don’t believe in astrology because my sign doesn’t sound like me at all.

Have you said any of those things before? Here’s the truth.

There is a reason you don’t feel like your astrology sign is accurate. To start, your sun sign (the sign you most likely know yourself by based on the time of the year you were born) is only one part of your astrology sign which means there are a TON of different factors that can contribute to that not feeling right.

The first reason some people don’t think their sign is right is because they associate with their moon sign stronger than their sun sign. Your sun sign is usually what others see in you, while your moon sign is more of your personality and usually the part that you most see in yourself. It rules emotions, instincts and our unconscious. This is why individuals usually feel like their moon sign is a better representation of who they are. Once you also take a look at your rising sign which is how you are initially portrayed to individuals, all three signs together can make a lot more sense of who you are.

The second most common reason that has people not feeling like their sun sign is a good fit for them is because they are more dominant in another sign in their birth chart. Your birth chart tells us where all of the planets were when you were born. Each planet has a sign and house associated with it. So even though you might have a sun sign in Cancer, you could have a moon, venus & mars in Saggitarius which is why if you read about Sagittarius, this would feel more on point for you. This is called a stellium - when three or more of your planets are ruled by one zodiac sign that you related more to over your sun sign

The third primary reason for you to not fit in with your sun sign is that you were born on a cusp. A cusp is when you are born close to the end or the beginning of a zodiac season. Some astrologers don’t believe in cusps at all, some think it is within 2 days of a new zodiac season and some think even up to 10 days. Personally, within 24 hours feels most accurate to me. When you are born on a cusp, you usually have a stronger pull towards one of the signs than the other, sometimes it isn’t the one you were “technically” born under”.

If you don’t feel like your sun sign is an accurate fit for you, it’s probably due to one of these three reasons and looking further into your birth chart would give a better understanding of it. Don’t toss aside astrology until you give it a fair chance! People usually find it is way more accurate than they think, but it is more than just looking at your sun sign and calling it a day.

Mari | Stay Collective Co

Founder of Stay Collective Co, a branding & website design studio working with soul-aligned entrepreneurs to up-level.

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