Find ways to work together below

Interested in private coaching & healing?

private sessions


Private 3-week intensive focused on shifting the one thing that has been holding you back in whatever area of life you need help with. This is your time to get the accelerated results you’ve been craving & change things once & for all. Ready to finally get to the root of what is stopping you & move on?

Private Coaching & Healing

If you are ready to heal, create your desired life & reconnect with your highest self, this container is for you. It is fully customized based on your needs to feel worthy, confident & fulfilled allowing you to be held as you elevate & heal. Ready to experience deep healing & alignment?

energy healer mentorship

If you are interested in being a quantum energy healer, heal within the Akashic Records, use different modalities to work with yourself & others, reach out. I’d love to work together to develop your skillset & hone your abilities as a healer – we always need more lightworkers in the world!


upcoming programs & events


Spend 30 days with me to enter a state of safety, presence & receivership. You will feel comfortable in your body, move through life with intention, let go of the masculine or people pleasing, release control & embrace freedom.


Round 3 now open for sign up! Unlock your inner confidence & knowing. Join me for a 3-day quantum energy & somatic healing event designed to create massive breakthroughs helping you to step into your power & anchor into long-lasting change.


Join my upcoming group program designed for the woman who knows she’s meant for more. In six powerful energy & somatic healing sessions, you will clear what’s been holding you back & step into alignment.

Insiders access

Welcome to my new telegram channel – Insiders Access! When you join you receive exclusive updates, collective channelled messages, guidance & tools for everyday elevation to inspire you & activate your relationship with your highest self.


Your path to becoming innately worthy within. In this 6-month healing container, you will learn how to anchor into safety in your body, heal on every level, break free from identities you no longer want to carry & love yourself fully. We start September!


Step into a portal allowing you to connect to your highest self. You will transform & up level in an immersive container where you are fully held & supported. Click below to sign up for details & give input on what you want out of retreats…


self-guided tools & programs

magnetic tools

Collection of self-guided tools channeled from the Akashic Records including meditations & self-guided energy healings to heal, recalibrate & call in your desires. These tools offer support at your fingertips for you to reach your full potential & unlock the magic within.

Chakra Reset

A self-paced 7-week reset to align, open & heal your chakras. You will learn about chakras & how to work with them, receive in-depth energy healing for each one & have tools & exercises for you to go deeper with each chakra cleansing, balancing & strengthening them.

Eleven Eleven

A self-paced course created to help you open your intuition, connect to your higher self & work with your angels. Learn how to trust your intuition, receive answers & create a deep knowing that moving forward you are making aligned choices for your highest good.


Unsure what is right for you? Looking for a container where you are supported as you up level?

An exploration session is a free 30-minute call allowing us to get to know each other, discuss your goals & answer any questions. By the end, you will have clarity on what is the most aligned program for you & if working together is a good fit!