coaching & energy healing

Private container to heal & transform your life

What if you...

  • felt fulfilled & had clarity in your life…

  • were able to put yourself first…

  • were no longer defined by your past…

  • felt safe being seen & heard for who you truly are…

  • felt confident, worthy & empowered…

  • lived an aligned life filled with gratitude & happiness…

  • were supported each & every day…

  • could attract your manifestations easily & effortlessly…

  • made decisions based on your intuition…

  • felt grounded & connected to your highest self

…without feeling stuck, feeling like your past is holding you back, not knowing where to start, experiencing burnout & anxiety, feeling unsure of yourself & unworthy, a fear of not being perfect, overthinking every detail, acting out of fear rather than alignment, needing outside validation, feeling like you’re the only one who doesn’t have it figured out or like your past is following you?

Here’s the Truth

You aren’t vibrating at the frequency to live the life you desire, you are working yourself well past burnout, you haven’t been able to heal the root of your blocks or traumas, you feel lost because you lack clarity & aren’t fulfilled…

You’ve been doing all the right things & I mean all of them. You’ve been visualizing your destiny, writing affirmations, journaling & everything you’ve been told to do. Things others claim is their reason for “success.” No matter how much or what you do, there is STILL something holding you back, it is just not working & you’ve had enough.

You’ve done therapy & felt like it got you as far as it’s going to, but the reasons you went are still there. It’s not your imagination, I repeat, it is not your imagination. It’s there, tangled up in your energy, aura & genetics, woven into the places you aren’t reaching.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Together we can find these ties, unwind them & integrate new energy so you can live a more intentional, confident & meaningful life.

Hi I’m Mari

I know how it feels to be the one who can’t escape their past & so exhausted from trying you just want to binge-watch netflix all day with a pizza. Maybe you feel like an imposter, like everything you want is at your fingertips but you can’t actually grab it, like sometimes you have it all figured out then the next day it is gone & the person in the mirror isn’t who you truly are.

I know how it feels to have your past impacting your every move. Like things will never change & this is just how your life is now.

Here’s the good news – we can change that. I spent years knowing something was missing, lacking clarity & confidence, being held back by my traumas. After working within the Akashic Records on the quantum field & doing energy & somatic healing for myself, I learned how to rewrite my beliefs, heal from my past & embody my next level self.

I want to help you do the same because it is possible for you to heal & create the life you desire!

a taste of what Clients experienced…

  • Went from having regular panic attacks to anxiety free

  • Physical symptoms resolved including bloating, digestive issues, persistent cough, sacral dysfunction & more

  • Receiving unexpected large sums of money & raises

  • The ability to now set clear boundaries & speak their truth without fear, shame, or guilt

  • No longer experiencing imposters syndrome or self doubt that used to eat away at them

  • Breaking free from toxic relationships now attracting & building healthy, loving relationships with friends, coworkers, family & partners

  • A deep love & understanding for themselves

  • An opening & trust in their intuition allowing them to make aligned decision

  • No longer feeling burdened by their past traumas that always used to show up in the back of their mind or impact how they made decisions

  • Grounding now as part of their day to day life allowing them to feel present, gratitude & more centered

  • Feeling confident within themselves & how they show up which radiates into all areas of their lives

  • An opening to wealth & new financial opportunities

  • Healing of fears, traumas & limiting beliefs

  • Feeling as if they are finally home in their body & are safe to be their true selves

  • Clarity that they are on the right path

  • The ability to be seen & heard without fear holding them back

  • Feeling empowered

  • Resolving issues within their relationship leading to a happier, more loving relationships

  • Multiple clients went from feeling stuck in their career or business to creating a career they love that feels fulfilling

  • A deep trust & knowing when things are or are not aligned for them

  • Joy & happiness where they are able to look at life through a new lens & live a life full of deeper meaning

Why this is different

  • You are supported with private coaching & healing sessions which means everything is focused solely on what you need for your highest good

  • Each session takes place within your Akashic Records & on the quantum field allowing us to dig deep quickly, get to the root of what is holding you back & remove blockages more effectively

  • You have coaching, private messaging & accountability with me & can better understand where you are, where you are going & how to get there

  • I use somatic, self care, & energetic modalities with you & give you tools to meet you where you are right now to help you achieve your goals

  • You receive energy work to remove blocks & lower vibrations in, on, or around you giving you a clear path to your next chapter

  • You have customized homework & practices allowing you to move farther & quantum leap in your journey

  • I care about your success & bettering your life. I want you to live a happy, fulfilling life where you feel safe, confident & deserving of everything you desire

  • I am holding the vision of your next level self with you to assist you in your transformation & accessing this timeline

is this for you?

This is ideal if you are:

  • Ready to put yourself first – mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually – & are ready to leave the burnout & anxiety behind to lead a free & aligned life.

  • Ready to heal your past & don’t want to be defined by this anymore. You want to live a high-vibe life & are ready to become the best version of yourself.

  • At a place where you feel lost, unfulfilled & like you are making decisions based on fear. You are overthinking & looking for validation from others, but you don’t want to. You want to feel clear, fulfilled & know from within that you are making decisions for your highest good.

  • An entrepreneur or professional who is struggling with things like imposters syndrome, mindset, confidence, etc & can’t seem to figure out what you are doing wrong.

  • An entrepreneur who has scaled to a certain point & can’t break through the glass ceiling. You now feel stuck unable to hit the next level & want to attract a consistent flow of income & attract your manifestations into your life.

In our sessions...

This isn’t an airy & fluffy investment where I tell you what you want to hear. In our sessions, we will dive deep & face pieces you’ve been avoiding. Along the way, you will be fully supported, held & guided for your highest good. You will quantum leap, experience massive shifts, receive unexpected opportunities & tap into your worthy, free & confident self.


  • Coaching & healing sessions

  • Goal setting + accountability

  • Voxer messaging support

  • Personalized homework & practices

  • Tracking of progress

Ready to level up?

How it works

STEP 1: Identify next level self

This is the ideal version of yourself & the goals we are working towards. It doesn’t mean becoming a new person, it means integrating who you want to be with who you’ve been so that you can become the best version of you. We talk about who this looks like to you: do you want to be more confident? happy? successful?

Step 2: Identify blocks

These are the gaps between where you are now to where you want to be. Blocks can be limiting beliefs, fears, karma, past trauma, or stuck energy. They can be things that were programmed in you, things that you choose for yourself (conscious or unconsciously), from past lives, or even generational passed down. We work together to find out what these are & why they are holding you back.

Step 3: Clear & heal The blocks

Using energetic healing, subconscious reprogramming & somatic therapy techniques, we remove the blocks from your field together so that you be FREE of them. This clears or heals the energies embedded in your field (physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically) – after it feels like there is no longer energy behind it or attachment to it & you go to a neutral energy state.


Step 4: Integrating new energy

We create new beliefs that are healthy & in line with your highest self as well as integrate source light & energy to help you enter a more abundant & aligned life. This takes that neutral feeling & makes it positive allowing you to feel these good feelings & shift your mindset with ease.

Step 5: Practices & self-guided healing

Through individualized homework, you will continue to connect with your highest self & do self-guided healing between sessions. This empowers you to continue healing, expedites the shifts to your next level self & gives you tools to come back to if you ever need them.

Step 6: Embody your next level self

As a result of our sessions & your practices, you will begin to embody your next level self. Changes will come into your reality as a result of this, These internal shifts will come with ease, mindset changes will happen & you will begin ACTING like the person you are ready to show up as.

 package options


This transformation & healing is for you if you are ready to heal past wounds, step into your next level self & focus on creating change.

This is the I am stepping into my next level self package.

3 months

6 sessions

3 months of messaging support


This is ideal for you if you are ready to be well on the way to the version of you you dream of. You are ready to feel different internally & have these shifts radiate into the external areas of your life.

This is the I am becoming my next level self package.

4 months

10 sessions

4 months of messaging support


For the woman who is craving deep transformation. If you want to quantum leap, heal your past, uplevel your mindset & create your desired life.

This is the I AM my next level self package.

6 months

3 sessions / month (total of 18 sessions)

6 months of messaging support


One year of private coaching & healing for the women who is craving deep transformation. This is for you if you want to quantum leap, heal your past, shift your mindset & create your desired life.


biweekly sessions

monthly recalibration sessions

12x months access to the vault

messaging support

you are worthy

of living the life you desire. It is

possible for you.

The results

“My experience with Mari was eye-opening and transformative. She helped move a past perspective that was holding me back, and imbued me with a new mindset full of positivity, hope, and the assurance that things will work out. I feel more confident and happier in my actions, and I'm so grateful for my sessions with Mari.”

– Emily

“After several sessions with Mari, every single one has absolutely blown me away. She always helps me get such clear direction from my guides & leave feeling super motivated and confident in my next steps in my life and business. Even more than that, she has an incredible ability to identify and clear out energy that is holding me back that I wasn't able to find on my own.

I've done a lot of energy & karma clearing and my experiences with Mari using the Records have been some of the most life changing. I always leave feeling so light and peaceful.”

– Meredith

“The only thing that’s been in my head since our session is I am deserving of money and deserving of the things I want. I can’t even say the other negative things to myself now! I’ve tried and it’s like it doesn’t even seem natural anymore and I feel so much more confident saying that I am deserving of money and deserving of having what I want AND I just got my first high ticket client. When I told her my price I wasn’t even apologetic, I didn’t feel bad about it - nothing. My mindset around money has completely changed. I am blown away!”

— Kim

“When I started working with Mari, my main goal was to get clarity on what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I wasn't sure which direction I was supposed to go, all I knew was that I was very unhappy and unfulfilled in what I was doing. Working with Mari catapulted me into my next level self... maybe even my three next level selves. The person I am now is so different from the person I was when I first started working with Mari. I am clear on what I want. I know my soul's purpose. I've cleared many of my limiting beliefs. I am SO connected with my Higher Self. It was so much fun working with Mari in my Akashic Records and I feel I've healed 10x faster with quantum healing than I have in talk therapy. Actually, I haven't felt the need to return to talk therapy. Mari gave me the tools and resources to heal my body and my soul and to continue my journey towards living my best and most aligned life. Thank you so much, Mari!”

– Stephanie

“If you are considering working with Mari-do it now! Working with Mari was by far the best decision I have ever made. When I first came to her, I was a wreck. I was struggling with crippling anxiety and depression and I felt like there was no way out. I was going to therapy and psychiatry but I still felt stuck. It was starting to negatively impact my relationships and my ability to grow in my career.

Mari helped me to overcome past traumas, imposter syndrome, self doubt, among many other things. She gave me the tools to continue working on myself and to become the person I want to be. I started this journey focused on my career but got more out of it than I ever could have imagined-- I have a deeper understanding of myself. I am on my way to becoming my highest self and I feel like a new me. I owe it all to Mari and I am so grateful.”

— Abigail

“Mari reworked my old limiting beliefs about receptiveness, broke down barriers in my solar plexus that kept me in a state of control, and aligned my energy with a state of receptiveness to wealth. Literally a couple of hours after the second session, my partner told me he was offered a job at 30k more per year than it was listed for and he was hired that day. And then, a couple of hours after he told me that, he got a call from his parents randomly offering to cover the down payment on a house for us up to $150,000. We're not even looking to buy property. This came completely out of nowhere. These all happened on the same day as the session.

Mari is so intuitive and in touch with the records, and she has the ability to shift energy when she's in them to allow real life shifts to occur in the 3D. I can't recommend Mari enough. While the financial support and income is incredible and a huge part of why I recommend Mari, the best part about working together in the akashic records was my energy shift after the call. I was able to work through my financial anxiety, be in a state of surrender, and trust my path more after both sessions. I left with more insight and awareness of my life's purpose and I felt more in flow than I did before our meetings. She's gifted.”

– Fiona

“I’ve always been interested in the Akashic records and had been wanting a reading for a while, but i of course was skeptical of something so “woo woo” and kind of out there. My reading with Mari definitely strengthened my belief! Everything she said felt like she was finding words to what I knew intuitively but couldn’t verbalize. She has such a comforting and calming presence that I felt at peace even when being so vulnerable.

Mari’s sessions are unique in that she focuses on helping you heal within the records. She and I worked on a couple money blocks I have, and I can tell there’s been a clear shift in my relationship with money. I no longer believe it is hard to make and I keep receiving unexpected payments now! Mari offered me concrete action steps of things I can do to uplevel my life and better connect to my universal guidance. I recommend Mari to anyone who is feeling stuck or could use guidance (:”

— Maddie


  • There are a few different levels of coaching available so it depends on which option you choose! On your discovery call we will talk about the options & which one is the best fit for you.

    Know that these prices are based on the value of transformation & you are so incredibly worthy of investing in yourself & the shifts available to you when you enter this container. When you invest in yourself & enter the vortex of a coach, you are saying yes to this next level version of you & the healing that is about to happen.

  • The Akashic Records are a multidimensional living energy that houses the information of every soul including their thoughts, feelings, experiences of past, present & future possibilities. It’s kind of like an energetic version of Google for your soul. It is always changing, always expanding & extremely healing.

    Through the records, we are able to save hours of time we would otherwise be spent getting to the root of what’s holding you back. By opening your Akashic Records, it allows you space to connect with your Highest Self & receive messages from your guides. They allow us to shift energy, untangle blocks & rewrite patterns from within the records.

  • The quantum field (5D) is a high vibrational plane of existence where your highest self exists. It is higher than the physical, emotional & mental planes which are denser. This means by accessing the quantum field, we are able to work on all planes at once to see the big picture and transcend energy across all levels.

  • Energy work looks different for every client based on what they need for their highest good. It could include karma clearing, removing limiting beliefs, instilling new beliefs, ancestral healing, psychic surgery, trauma healing, soul retrievals, cord-cutting, removal of entities or lower vibrations, aura cleansing, reiki or quantum healing.

  • Your next level self is the version of you that you dream of. Maybe she is more confident, empowered, and strong. Maybe she sees herself as a powerful woman who can embody both the feminine and masculine. Maybe she is successful and she knows it. Maybe she radiates and glows when she enters a room. Becoming your next level self doesn’t mean you are leaving behind the person you are, it means you are allowing yourself to incorporate new paradigms becoming a more fulfilled version of yourself.

    If you don’t know who she is right now, that’s okay! We will work together to discover who your next level self is.

  • You have the privacy & support you need throughout your journey to go deep. It allows me to hold more space for you & a higher vision while tailoring sessions to give you exactly what you need for your highest good.

Ready to experience deep healing & alignment?