Personal Growth Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth Mari | Stay Collective Co

42 I am not a feminist: What feminism actually SHOULD be, the Barbie movie & normalizing mental health issues

I'm triggering you with this title I know but hear me out. Let's talk about the feminist movement (why I don't like to associate with it), what the feminist movement actually should be, thoughts on it tied in with the Barbie movie & how mental health issues are being normalized (not in a good way). My goal with this message is for you to leave with HOPE rather than feeling disempowered, disappointed, or frustrated.

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Spirituality Mari | Stay Collective Co Spirituality Mari | Stay Collective Co

41 The moon’s impacts on us

The moon has more of an impact on us than you know or realize. She alters our sleeping patterns, our hormones, our energy levels & our brain waves. In my upcoming masterclass I am teaching you all about how to work with this natural cycle to use it to your benefit & live a life more in flow. In this episode, learn more about how the moon impacts our lives, energy levels, hormones, sleep & more@

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Guest Episode, Spirituality, Personal Growth Mari | Stay Collective Co Guest Episode, Spirituality, Personal Growth Mari | Stay Collective Co

37 Spiritual journeys, break down to break through moments & Saturn returns with Hannah Siddiqui

In this podcast episode I am interviewing author, astrologer, speaker & spiritual coach, Hannah Siddiqui. Our conversation had so many juicy take aways as we discussed spiritual journeys, awakenings, transformational moments, 2023 astrology updates & Saturn returns. I am so happy to have Hannah with us today & hope you all love the episode!

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Personal Growth, Mic Drop Episode Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth, Mic Drop Episode Mari | Stay Collective Co

36 Mic Drop Eps: For the person Experiencing Massive Change

This year is bringing in a lot of tower moments for individuals, moments where it feels like life is crumbling down. It could be in your career, relationship, health, finances, etc. Whatever the area of your life this tower moment is occurring in, this is the time you have the ability to shift into a new reality, one that is aligned with your next level self. This is also a time where you have the ability to stay in the same pattern & repeat this lesson again until you choose differently. In this mini episode, we're discussing how to move through these changes for your highest good.

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Spirituality Mari Leigh Spirituality Mari Leigh

33 How to get started as an energy healer

My top four recommendations for anyone who wants to or is interested in energy healing! I love that so many of you have been reaching out & asking this question lately because being an energy healer is such fulfilling work, it is so powerful & it is something that we can always use more of.

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Spirituality, Personal Growth Mari Leigh Spirituality, Personal Growth Mari Leigh

32 My awakening journey & finding my purpose

In this personal AF podcast episode I'm sharing about my awakening journey, my path to finding my purpose, some of my beliefs around awakenings & a couple of my traumas in hopes of helping you pinpoint areas on your own awakening journey & understand how energy healing can help you break free from your past. I hope this episode inspires you in your own journey & gives you a deeper knowing in the healing process!

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Personal Growth, Relationships, Spirituality Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth, Relationships, Spirituality Mari | Stay Collective Co

31 Identifying your relationships: The difference between karmic, soulmate & twin flames

How to know what kind of relationships you are in, what are the purpose of these different types of relationships & understanding the differences. There are so many misconceptions around karmic, soulmates & twin flames! Karmic relationships are often mistaken for a twin flame, why do we attract similar people in, why do some people keep going back to the same person, is there instant recognition for all three, etc. To be honest, this episode is all over the place from bouncing between the three types, but by the end you will have clarity around the differences. Looking back you should be able to identify what kind of relationships – romantic, friendships, family – you have been in.

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Spirituality, Manifestation Mari | Stay Collective Co Spirituality, Manifestation Mari | Stay Collective Co

30 Mini Episode – The 222 portal: A manifestation exercise & ritual to call in your desires

The 222 portal also known as February 22nd is when the dates numerological align to put out the energy & vibrations making it easier for us to quantum leap, strengthen our manifestations & upgrade to the life we desire. Whether you are listening to this before, during, or after Feb 22nd this episode is still valuable & you can still do this exercise!

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Personal Growth Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth Mari | Stay Collective Co

29 Finding your joy: How to incorporate more happiness into your every day life

I am giving you the number one tool for bringing joy into your life that I use with my private clients. As we get older, go through more traumas, become more disconnected, etc. it can be difficult to activate the joy & happiness in our lives. But we want that, we crave it. Rather than looking for joy outside of yourself, this exercise will allow you to activate the joy from within so you can open the doors to more joy & happiness in your life.

You're also getting a mini energy & astrological update with reminders on what you can be doing this month to move through 2023 with more ease.

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Personal Growth, Spirituality Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth, Spirituality Mari | Stay Collective Co

28 Am I on the right path? For the person struggling to trust things will work out & questioning their journey

Are you questioning if you are on the right path? Are you struggling to trust that things will work out? Do you want the knowing that you are making the right decision? We've all been there. In this episode I'm talking about trusting in the process, knowing if you are on your "right" path, and surrendering to the process. I'm also giving pointers on working with your higher self or angels for comfort, support, and clarity.

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Personal Growth, Relationships, Guest Episode Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth, Relationships, Guest Episode Mari | Stay Collective Co

27 Relationship Q&A With Nate & Meredith: Part 2

You asked & we answered. Questions like how do you know what is a healthy vs unhealthy relationship? When is it time to go & when is it right to stick it out? How to support your partner during difficult times? What advice do you have for someone who has different values than their partner? And so much more!

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Personal Growth, Relationships, Guest Episode Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth, Relationships, Guest Episode Mari | Stay Collective Co

26 Relationship Q&A With Nate & Meredith: Part 1

You asked & we answered. Questions like how do you know what is a healthy vs unhealthy relationship? When is it time to go & when is it right to stick it out? How to support your partner during difficult times? What advice do you have for someone who has different values than their partner? And so much more!

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Personal Growth, Spirituality, Manifestation Mari | Stay Collective Co Personal Growth, Spirituality, Manifestation Mari | Stay Collective Co

25 Energetic Set Points & The Upper Limit Problem: Money, Happiness & Love

Energetic set points are our capacity for different areas of our lives. They are the minimum and maximum we are willing to except. They are our standards. We are discussing in depth what they are, what happens when we surpass our set points & how we can begin to shift our set points to where we ultimately want them to be. Grab your journal, you're going to get some homework with this one!

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