24 What Is Your Intuition & Clair Senses?
Let's talk about intuition & clair senses! I share what these are, the different types of clair senses, tips to familiarize yourself with them, my number one tip if you want to learn how to open the Akashic Records & a little bit about my experience with my clair senses.
23 2023 Forecast & Messages From The Akashic Records
In this podcast episode I have opened the Akashic Records to receive messages for the collective all about 2023. What is coming up this year, what shifts we are being called to make, how we can move through it with ease, what is the theme surrounding 2023 & more! I also talk about what is astrologically going on this month to get a better understanding of wtf has been happening the past few weeks & what's going on as we move into Aquarius season. Buckle up – the records had a lot to share!
22 It's Okay To Want Money & Material Things + Zone of Genius & Items That Don't Bring You Joy
Did you ever think that it isn't okay for you to want money? That your relationship with wanting nice things is unhealthy? That it's bad to want money? Ya'll that is not true! It's okay to want money and want nice things. This episode we are talking about healing these limiting beliefs, finding a driving force bigger than the money, what your zone of genius is, and how clutter or things that don't bring you joy can be creating stagnate energy in your space.
21 What Is Embodiment & How Can You Embody The Version Of Yourself You Want To Be
One of the biggest patterns I'm seeing lately in individuals is frustration over not being able to get where they want to go & it's because they aren't the embodied version of themselves they need to be to get there. Let's clear up what embodiment is, what it's not, how you're being blocked from your manifestations & first steps in order to become your next level self AKA the embodied version of you that you actually want to be.
20 Toxic Positivity Rooted In Manifesting, Spirituality & Past Trauma + Finding The Mindset Balance
Toxic positivity, what are the signs, how does it show up with manifesting, spirituality, past trauma & conditioning, beginning to break the cycle to create awareness around it & lastly, how to find the balance between having a positive mindset while letting our feelings flow through us.
19 The Holidays Are Triggering AF. Let’s Change That.
If you are already feeling stressed, anxious, or triggered about the holidays or you are know it's just around the corner, this episode is for you. Let's talk about how you can move through the holidays with less stress and more joy, gratitude, and happiness so you can actually enjoy this time of year!
18 Creating Safety In The Body
In order to be our most magnetic selves we need to heal and remove blocks in our way. Before we can do that though we must relearn what it is to feel safe – for our mental health, our ability to release, and so much more. Get ready to learn all about creating safety in your body, why this is so important, what it means, why we get to a place where we feel unsafe in our body, and how you can begin to cultivate this energy right now.
17 Leaving your comfort zone & creating your dream life
If you are struggling or scared to leave your comfort zone, this episode is for you!
16 October 2022 Forecast & Messages For The Collective From The Akashic Records
Sharing messages that have been coming through for this next month, what has been going on with the planets & forecasting the energy. Plus the Akashic Records had a few of messages along with some tangible things you can do to gain momentum, quantum leap & shift into this new energy with ease.
15 When A Lack Of Boundaries Is Stopping You From Creating Your Dream Life
If you aren't willing to say no to things that aren't aligned, how can you expect the universe to give you something better? Let's talk about boundaries, common boundary issues & steps you can take to lay the foundation for a life where you are in the driver’s seat.
14 My Gut Health Journey & Experience Doing A Parasite Cleanse
Sharing my gut healing journey to date including my recent experience doing a parasite cleanse. I explain why I did the cleanse, how it's helped me, the struggles & benefits I experienced & more. Hopefully this resonates with at least one or two of you on your own healing journey!
13 Deep Dive Into The Akashic Records
What the Akashic Records are, how they are of source light, the light beings who protect and work with the Records, what you can use them for, what kind of questions you can ask, if the Records are or are not linked to religion, how I use them to help you understand the difference between reading & working within the Records. Basically everything you need or want to know about them!
12 Energy Leaks, How To Identify Them & Begin To Seal Them Up
If you are not familiar with energy leaks YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS. We all have energy leaking every single day in all areas of our life. Time to seal those babies up. Learn what energy leaks are, how they are showing up in your life, audit yourself & tips to seal them so you can put your energy towards things you do want that are aligned & light you up.
Bonus Announcing eleven eleven
Eleven eleven is my new self paced online course helping you open your intuition & connect with your higher self + angels. I'm sharing how I created the course, what it is all about & some things about your intuition you may not know...
11 Dealing with Imposters Syndrome
Why imposters syndrome shows up so frequently for our generation, how it is really a symptom of deeper roots & what you can do to begin removing imposters syndrome from your reality.
10 Breaking Free From Victimhood Mentality
What is victimhood mentality, how to break free from it & what to do if someone you know has it? Working towards creating the life you desire & taking your power back.
9 Human Design, Conditioning & EFA with Meredith Rawlings
Meredith Rawlings joins me for an amazing podcast episode about human design, patterns, conditioning & of course we can't not talk about the reopening of our program, Entrepreneurial Freedom Accelerator. Listen in to learn about how human design can show you your unique blueprint, turning your weaknesses into strengths and how labels placed on you do not define you.
8 How What We Consume Impacts Our Vibration
Weed, alcohol, meat, the news, technology – In this episode I am sharing information from the Akashic Records on how or IF things we consume or surround ourselves with impact our vibration, our ability to channel, our ability to connect to source light & be a clear vessel.
7 Feminine Magnetism
What does wounded feminine look like, why are we operating overly in the masculine, why is it when we are embodied in our feminine we experience ease & magnetism, & lastly how to incorporate feminine embodiment into your daily life. This is a packed episode giving you a deeper understanding on how to find the balance between your masculine & feminine energy.
6 Don’t Fake It Til You Make It
Stop denying your feelings, emotions & thoughts. In this episode, we are covering the toxic positivity around the common phrase “fake it til you make it” & how ultimately it leads to imposters syndrome, lack of trust in yourself & hiding your true identity. Find out what to do INSTEAD so that you can be true to you.